Saturday 1 June 2024

Weekend update - World equity indexes

It was a very mixed month for world equity markets, with net monthly changes ranging from +24.7% (Argentina), +3.0% (Germany), +2.3% (USA), +0.5% (Australia), +0.2% (Japan), -0.3% (South Africa), -0.6% (China), -0.7% (India), -2.9% (Brazil), to -4.4% (Russia).

Lets take our regular look at ten of the world equity markets.

USA - Dow

Germany – DAX

Japan – Nikkei

Brazil – Bovespa

Russia - RTSI

India – SENSEX

China – Shanghai comp'

South Africa – Dow

Argentina- MerVal

Australia – AORD


Five world equity markets were net higher for May, with five net lower.

Argentina was monstrously higher, whilst Russia was powerfully lower.

The USA, German, Indian, Argentinian, and Australian markets broke new hist' highs.

Nine world equity markets are trading above their respective monthly 10MA, the one exception being Brazil. 

Eight world equity markets have positive monthly momentum, the two exceptions being China and South Africa.


Looking ahead









M - PMI/ISM manu', construction, vehicle sales

T - Factory orders, JOLTS

W - ADP jobs, PMI/ISM serv', productivity, intl' trade, EIA Pet'

T - Weekly jobs

F - Monthly jobs, consumer credit (3pm)


Final note

It was certainly a mixed month for world equity markets, but as a collective, equities remain m/t bullish. Five new index historic highs also counts for something, right?

This past week's Trump-related event is testament to the dark path that the society/species has long since chosen. It should be clear, things will only become ever more wild, bizarre, and scary, from here. 

As I've said for some considerable time, perhaps the only issue is whether you have enough popcorn for the 'Big show'. 


For more of the same >

Have a good weekend
*the next post on this page will likely appear 4.20pm EDT on Monday.